Monday, October 4, 2010

this chick REALLY doesn't get it

One of my first posts on here talked about this girl who was completely heartless replying to my twitter account. (To refresh your memory of her just click on the link about to take you to my previous post.)

She's currently fighting an infestation of mice in her house. Guess karma's a bitch when you write something as heartless and ignorant as this:

It totally pisses me off when she can say having babies is the meaning of life when it comes so damn easy for her. I know it shouldn't bother me, but I have to believe that I can certainly still have meaning to my life even if I don't have children.

What would you comment to this? I am seriously considering writing her a bitchy comment to this statement and would love suggestions!


  1. Someone who is too ignorant to punctuate a sentence correctly is already living their own punishment. What a dummy.

  2. Well said Ashlee!

    I hope the mice win this battle.

  3. no comment you could offer would make her understand what you want her to know, unfortunately.

  4. Of course your life will still have meaning. Kids are just an option. Whichever one you choose will still lead to a happy and fulfilling life. I actually feel sorry for people who think that the ultimate goal in life is to have kids whether you actually want to or not.


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