Thursday, August 19, 2010

Facebook Status

I saw this first thing this morning on FB:

"I have carried a child within my body...I have comforted a baby upon my chest...My body is not magazine perfect, but when I look in the mirror I see a mother, and there is no greater honor or blessing...Make this your status if you are proud to be a mother ♥."

This is just plain offensive to everyone who hasn't "carried a child within their body". Let's not even go there on how this is offensive to IFers, but let's look at how mothers who've adopted their children may see this. Ugh. I hate people.

Submitted by Anonymous


  1. I hate ALL these types of status updates! I wrote a whole blog post on this topic.

    I agree, it is offensive. And I'm sorry, but it smacks of someone who has no other accomplishments of which she can be proud except having borne a child or two. (That may not be universally true, but it makes it seem that way.)

  2. OMG!!!! I just saw that growing around too! I was soooo tempted to post back, "I have carried two children within my body...I never had the chance to comfort them on my body is not magazine perfect, but when I look in the mirror I see a mother of two angel babies, and it hurts but I am strong and will become a mother to a baby on earth one day. Make this your status if you or those you know have experiences miscarriages or infant & pregnancy loss and want to break the cycle of silence."

  3. make that- GOING not growing around! :-)

  4. okay, I was annoyed and just posted this on my f.b. status, "wonders if people who post the forwards of "I have a great dad who blah blah." or "I love being a mother, it's so great" or "I have the worlds best husband" or "my children are so amazing"....repost this stuff ever think about how it makes those who DONT have those things feel? Maybe I'm super grouchy today, I don't know, but I'll be honest I get so annoyed by them....ho hum....."

  5. that is just aweful. Christina, your FB post is awesome. I am curious to see what responses you get back.

  6. me too! I bet people will have lots to say...and I really think the first post would be good and make people think a lot more than these stupid "I'm so special because I can get pregnant" ones

  7. I got a firestorm of jerk brother posted, "what about when you post how great your vacation was while the rest of us are stuck at work? Stop being so bitter." to which I sarcastically responded, "I love that you are such an amazing brother who is always so happy and supportive. I'll remember the bitter comment every monday morning when you complain about 95N."another friend replied, "Christina, all this comment shows is that you have empathy. You are thinking about others. I feel the same way about those posts. Two friends lost dads recently, those posts must kill them. I don't think you are bitter. Most people use FB as a bragging tool, so that's the way it goes!" and finally my jerk brother tried slightly to redeem himself by saying, "I do think the chain posts are total bullshit but I'm sure everyone who has replied has written something about how great their husband, house, car, etc was.
    And I'm very supportive... Just not in thinking people shouldn't be thankful of t...he things they have....
    I am just the devils advocate. Love you!"

    OMG people are so stupid.

  8. I love that you decided to post something! Brothers sometimes suck but he did try and redeem himself. I'm glad you did get a positive comment back.

  9. I saw this too and this was my comment: "I have carried two babies in my body, but neither of them made it to my arms." insert crickets chirping here

  10. Ouch. I guess I am lucky to have been away from facebook for the past couple days. Saved myself some hurt.

  11. There is one out in fb world about infertility too. I can see how you feel down and offended by it. Personally I was not offended. I guess I am just in a different place lately and I know that if I were a mother I would have posted that.


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