Friday, October 8, 2010

If only it happened this quick for all of us

This isn't anyone being rude or mean - just..... I wish she would not share so much on FB! Notice the dates of her two statuses...

Submitted by Anonymous


  1. Wow. Talk about not waiting until the pee stick dries to announce! LOL

  2. ya, that is a little too much information...

  3. Wow, inconsiderate too. Has she no clue what can happen in pregnancy? I'm shocked how many people are ignorant about miscarriages!

  4. I had a friend do this same thing. One week "Oh I am going to try to have a baby this week." Two weeks later, "Guess what I am pregnant."

    I can't even imagine. Even if I was not infertile, I know I was never that stupid.

  5. Are you serious? I don't understand why some people can just look at each other and get pregnant. It's not fair!

  6. Not only do I now get irritated that people like that get pregnant so quickly, but it irritates me that their experiences allow them to feel comfortable enough (and naive enough) to tell everyone so early.

    My sister is one of those people.

  7. wooow, why would she announce either of those things at that time on facebook? So naive.

  8. Jan 14 ovulation - Jan 31 day of missed AF. Hmmm now I know her cycle too. and its as easy as that for some.

  9. icky. I know what she was doing January 14th. Bleck. I bet she is friends with her mom on theere.


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